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Introduction of * Urvarya*

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Company: Urvarya
Type of seller: Farmers
Experience: 2021

Imagine if you had your own garden and all the good food you could eat. Food that would be non-adulterated and free from any chemicals. Only nurtured by Mother Nature. With this goal in mind, in the year 2020, a few minds came together. Our goal is to bring the virtue of our lands to your dinner tables as if they came from your own garden. This gave birth to Urvaryā (pronounced oo-r-var-ya) meaning ‘coming from fertile soil’. And indeed it is. Urvaryā is based in the Cauvery basin, about 120 km from the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore. The lands here are covered in lush green as it has come right out of a beautiful painting. Having been fed by river Cauvery water, the soils are so rich, it must be shared with everyone. The Urvaryā team has an extensive farming background and has been working in the corporate world. Have traveled almost around the globe, the team is aligned to one thought - ‘the entire world is accepting the value of Indian culture. We have to value and preserve our Indian products.’ With this goal in mind, we have set foot on a journey along with the local farming community to bring you the best of Indian lands. We hope it brings you as much joy as it brings to us.


How It's Made

Made using the ancient Bilona method


Urvarya Products

Urvarya || 100% Pure Desi Cow A2 Ghee
499.00  599.00


Associated Brands

Ved Tattva Ayurveda
Gau Prasad